Graphics Group Videos
Robust Replay of Human Demonstrations Using Identified Constraints
Video demonstrations of robust replay that makes use of our constraint inference techniques.
An Autonomous Dynamic Camera Method for Effective Remote Teleoperation
Video demonstrating our system for using a robot to operate a camera while the user interactively controls another robot. Video accompaniment to our HRI 2018 paper (best paper award winner).
A Motion Retargeting Method for Effective Mimicry-based Teleoperation of Robot Arms
Video describing our system for real-time control of a robot arm, published at HRI 2017.
Authoring Directed Gaze for Full-body Motion Capture
Video for our 2016 SIGGRAPH Asia Paper on adding and editing eye movements to motion capture data.
Serendip Rank Viewer
A tutorial on using the Rank View in the Serendip Topic Model Exploration System
Splatterplots: Overcoming Overdraw in Scatter Plots
Video showing the Splatterplot technique for displaying dense scatterplots. The method is described in a 2013 TVCG paper.
Stylized and Performative Gaze for Character Animation
Video from our EuroGraphics 2013 paper on creating eye movements for cartoon characters.
Online Real-Time Presentation of Virtual Experiences for External Viewers
video accompaniment to VRST 2012 paper: Ponto, K., Shin, H. J., Kohlmann, J., & Gleicher, M. (2012). Online real-time presentation of virtual experiences forexternal viewers. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology - VRST ’12 (p. 45).
Effective Replays and Summarization of Virtual Experiences
Video Accompaniment to: Ponto, K., Kohlmann, J., & Gleicher, M. (2012). Effective replays and summarization of virtual experiences. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(4), 607–16.