Computer Animation: Its Past, Its Present, And its Future at UWDecember, 2001 (Last Modified: August, 2020)Talk for the CS Club2001_12_csclub.pdf Read formatted page...
Animation by Adaptation: Tales of Motion Use and Re-UseJuly, 2001 (Last Modified: August, 2020)Presented at Ohio State University2001_07_osu.pdf Read formatted page...
Animation by Adaptation: Motion EditingMay, 2001 (Last Modified: July, 2020)Tutorial at the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications2001_ima_tutorial1.pdf 2001_ima_tutorial2.pdf Read formatted page...
Quack! Quick! We need a Dancing Duck! Tales of Motion Use and Re-UseMay, 2001 (Last Modified: July, 2020)Workshop talk at the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications2001_ima-wkshp.pdf Read formatted page...
Motion Path EditingMarch, 2001 (Last Modified: August, 2020)Presented at the 2001 Symposium on Interactive 3D graphics2001_03_path.pdf Read formatted page...
Animation by AdaptationFebruary, 2001 (Last Modified: August, 2020)Distinguished Lecture, University of Virginia2001_02_AnimationByAdaptation.pdf Read formatted page...
Comparing Motion Editing MethodsJune, 2000 (Last Modified: August, 2020)Title at a workshop on human motion at Seoul National University2000_06_ComparingMotionEditing.pdf Read formatted page...
Computer Animation (CS Computer Club Talk)October, 1999 (Last Modified: August, 2020)Talk for the Computer Science Club1999_10_UgradTalk99.pdf Read formatted page...
Motion Editing and Signal ProcessingJuly, 1999 (Last Modified: August, 2020)SIGGRAPH 1999 Course Talk1999_07_e2_signal.pdf Read formatted page...
Motion Transformations with Spacetime ConstraintsMarch, 1999 (Last Modified: August, 2020)Seminar talk1999_03_Spring99.pdf Read formatted page...
Retargeting Motion to New CharactersJuly, 1998 (Last Modified: August, 2020)SIGGRAPH 98 talk (both left and right slide decks in one file)1998_07_retarget-both.pdf Read formatted page...
Editing and Retargetting Animated Motion with Spacetime ConstraintsApril, 1998 (Last Modified: August, 2020)My 1998 Job Talk (good enough to get me a job at Wisconsin!)1998_04_JobTalk98.pdf Read formatted page...