This is an early video of the Virtual Videography system.
The main idea behind Virtual Videography is to automatically edit video of some event that would be nice to record, but too costly or intrusive to place a camera crew, such as a classroom lecture. (Note: Newer video at Virtual Videography).
Read formatted page...Many motion capture editing operations result in the feet of the character moving when they ought to remain planted. We present a simple, efficient algorithm for removing this footskate.
Video from our 2002 paper “Footskate cleanup for motion capture editing”. This work was published at the Symposium on Computer Animation.
Many motion capture editing operations result in the feet of the character moving when they ought to remain planted. We present a simple, efficient algorithm for removing this footskate.
Read formatted page...We present a method for controlling motion capture data without sacrificing motion quality. Given a database of motion, we automatically construct seamless transitions to form a directed graph we call a motion graph. A user can then extract motions that meet a set of constraints. Our framework is applied to the particular problem of directing locomotion down arbitrary paths.
HijackGL is a prototype system that allows us to non-invasively intercept graphics applications and change their behavior on the fly
Video Demonstration of the UIST 2001 Paper "Simplicial Families of Drawings".
Video demonstrration of the Motion Path Editing technique published at I3D 2001
Warning: this is a poor quality AVI upload.
Read formatted page...Video demonstrations from my 1997 CVPR Paper "Projective Registration with Difference Decomposition". This paper shows an early non-rigid patch tracker that has flexible ways to evaluate the image gradients.
Video Accompaniment for the 1997 I3D paper.
Yes. This really was all in real-time on a circa 1996 Macintosh. I have no idea how I made it go so fast.
This video is from the 1997 Interactive 3D Symposium Paper. An earlier version of the paper actually appeared as a 1998 journal paper. The journal paper mainly has 2D examples, and focuses on the non-interactive cases.
Read formatted page...1995 SIGGRAPH Paper Video"
Video demonstration of my thesis. Full of demos of various systems I built.