Video from our SIGGRAPH 2004 Paper
We provide automated methods for identifying logically similar motions in a data set and using them to build a continuous and intuitively parameterized space of motions.
Read formatted page...Early results of Virtual Videography (see the 2007 results for more up to date ones)
Note: see the Virtual Videography video page for a more recent result.
Read formatted page...A spin off of Virtual Videography, Magic Boards is an authoring tool for allowing users to replace writing on the board with type written text, clip-art, images, etc. This video describes Magic Boards and how it may be used.
A spin off of Virtual Videography, Magic Boards is an authoring tool for allowing users to replace writing on the board with type written text, clip-art, images, etc. This video shows Magic Boards used in an actual class.
A spin off of Virtual Videography, Magic Boards is an authoring tool for allowing users to replace writing on the board with type written text, clip-art, images, etc. This video shows Magic Boards used to describe how to build a project with Tinker Toys.
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We construct high-quality skins for characters that can run on traditional runtimes from a set of examples.
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Many motion editing algorithms are forms of a general operation called motion blending. We introduce registration curves, which allow a wider class of motions to be blended without manual input.
Unpublished work on animation that extends Motion Paths.
This video shows off work we did in 2003, but was never published. The student graduated before we were able to complete the paper.
Read formatted page...A system for authoring linear blend skins. Provides a more standard painting interface plus our own direct manipulation method for setting vertex weights.
Video accompaniment to our I3D 2003 paper.
We present an approach to character motion called Snap-Together Motion that addresses the unique demands of virtual environments. Snap-Together Motion (STM) preprocesses a corpus of motion capture examples into a set of short clips that can be concatenated to make continuous streams of motion.
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