Video demonstrations of techniques to infer constraints and extra degrees of freedom for demonstrations where the demonstrator uses slip strategies.
Virtual talk for EuroVis 2020 about the Boxer system for comparing machine learning classifiers.
This video was the “talk” for EuroVis 2020 that presented our paper Boxer: Interactive Comparison of Classifier Results. Because EuroVis was held virtually (due to COVID-19), the talk is this 12 minute video.
For more information see the Boxer Project Page.
Read formatted page...Demonstration of the Boxer System from the 2020 EuroVis Paper
Video for our RSS 2019 paper on interactive manipulation using real time control, and a second robot that automatically guides the camera.
Video accompaniment to our 2019 paper on interactive control of bimanual robots.
This video demonstrates our system for interactive control of bimanual robots, published in Science Robotics, June 2019.
Read formatted page...Video accompaniment to our ICRA 2019 paper on Pathwise Inverse Kinematics.
Accompaniment to the ICRA 2019 Paper
Video companion to our (Conference on Robot Learning) 2018 paper
Video demonstrations of robust replay that makes use of our constraint inference techniques.
This video went along with a paper that was never published (it was submitted to ICRA ‘19). The methods are described in Guru’s Thesis. The constraint inference approach is discussed in this paper on Axiv.
Read formatted page...Video to Accompany RSS 2018 Paper
Video demonstrating our system for using a robot to operate a camera while the user interactively controls another robot. Video accompaniment to our HRI 2018 paper (best paper award winner).
This is the video accompaniment to our best-paper award winning paper An Autonomous Dynamic Camera Method for Effective Remote Teleoperation from HRI 2018. It demonstrates a system that allows the user to control a robot manipulator and see what they are doing by having a second robot control a video camera that watches the action.
See also the later video from the system that added more intelligence to the camera control, published at RSS 2019.
Read more…Video describing our system for real-time control of a robot arm, published at HRI 2017.